Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nicanor not quite able to fill his brother's horseshoes.

Well, he had an excuse. A good excuse. But Nicanor didn't get the job done today. Not that I was expecting him to. Funny that he went off at even odds, though. Definitely getting the support from sentimental Barbaro fans who know nothing about horses or racing.

He finished 10th in a field of 12 in his debut. Apparently they are saying he grabbed his quarter (injuring himself) at the break, so Edgar (jockey) eased him back around the final turn and just let him finish without pushing him. Not sure I believe that because watching the race it seems like Edgar is still actively riding him ... but oh well. Either way, it wasn't meant to be. Hopefully he'll come back from the injury in good shape, but it will probably take some time for him to heal depending on how severely he broke through that quarter. They didn't really say. I'll be watching to see what they do with him next. The chart does list him as being bumped at the start, so I know they'll give him another shot if they can. He's probably off the Derby trail though, if nothing else because of the injury. Kinda sad for Matz, Prado and the Jacksons.

Maybe Lentenor, Barbaro's next little brother, will fare better. He seems to have a stronger build and he is maturing nicely from what little I've seen. Highly doubt any of them will match what Barbaro did, but we're going to end up watching them no matter what. The media and the fans can't help their fascination with the Barbaro family, and for good reason.

Warrior's Reward - a long shot at 30-1 - was quite impressive though, and I am thrilled for Calvin Borel! Who didn't fall in love with Calvin in 2007 when he was astride the Triple Crown trail with Street Sense? Kinda makes me hope he'll have another shot this year. He is probably the most underrated jockey in the business. His rail-riding style is always exciting to watch.

Albertus Maximus (above) was pretty impressive in the Donn Handicapp, and it will be exciting to see him travel to Dubai for the World Cup this year. He's looking fantastic; certainly has matured into a nice 5-year-old!

Saratoga Sinner (below) was quite an upset in the Holy Bull, but what a race that was! Was it a fluke? Dunno. Might have to keep an eye on that one. I was also impressed with Bear's Rocket who held strong under Kent Desormeaux to place after running pretty strong fractions and leading the race basically all the way from the gate to the 16th pole.

Still keeping my eye on Old Fashioned. Really looking forward to his next race. If he can continue to dominate, he is my early Derby pick. For sure. Been studying his two-year-old career and I've found that, even though he is a front-runner ... he can run with fast fractions or moderate. So I think he might have a shot. We'll have to see how the rest of the three-year-old crop develops ...

Imperial Council and Capt. Candyman Can are two more that have recently appeared as blips on my Derby radar. Gotta watch them as well. It's gonna be a busy season!

Friday, January 30, 2009

An "Old Fashioned" Crown?

I like the big names.

Square Eddie caught my eye last year as a two-year-old. Still keeping him in my sights.

Midshipman sure is impressive; he has the stamina but we don't know what plans for him will be.

Stardom Bound brings the girl power.

Haven't had a chance to catch up on all of the top contenders yet ... but I am looking forward to a particular horse's three-year-old debut in a couple of weeks. He seems to have that "it" quality, very reminiscent of recent champions like Barbaro, Street Sense and Big Brown. Yes, I have actually picked the Derby winner successfully for the last 3 years in a row and I'm trying hard not to break my lucky streak!

I think I only have to say his name once.

Old Fashioned.

Can't wait to see what he brings as a three-year-old, but his career as a two-year-old was absolutely dominating!

A pleasure to watch. It will be fun to see what he does.

Case in point ...

The Remsen Stakes on November 29th ... and this wasn't even his most impressive winning margin!

Yes, he controlled the pace. Yes, he had easy fractions through the first half-mile. Still, he won with such ease that it's hard to ignore.

Now I learn he worked 5 furlongs in 58.80 yesterday morning!

Sure, he's a front-runner, but it seems as though he can hold off the competition and, in fact, he almost appears to accelerate further when they run at him!

Considering the tragedy Larry Jones had last year with Eight Belles, let's hope he has a winner this season with Old Fashioned. It sure would be a high note for him to retire on!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nicanor's debut

Nicanor is going to make his racing debut on Saturday!

Hard to believe the time has come for Barbaro's little brother to hit the track.

Even harder to believe it's been exactly TWO years since Barbaro lost his battle with laminitis? Wow. Where has the time gone? Guess it's almost fitting that they announced Nicanor's debut on the anniversary of his big brother's death.

So many hopes pinned on this little guy. In a perfect world he'd live up to his brother's legacy. I have no doubt he'll be a fascinating horse to watch, but the skeptic in me really fears that expectations are too great. He's got some winning connections and he certainly has millions of fans cheering him on. Heck, he's been a star since he was a yearling; nevermind the fact that he hasn't even seen a real starting gate yet.

All fear and doubt aside, I'll be rooting for him just like everyone else! I cannot wait to see what he does on Saturday and beyond! Run safe, little Nic!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Curlin, again? Really?

I'll probably get into a bigger rant about it at a later date because I need to head off to bed ... but ... why? Oh why? Curlin? Seriously? Two years in a row? Sure, he's a great horse. Definitely the cream of the crop for his generation (though my favorite horse of '07 is still Street Sense by a long shot!). But he is NOT worthy of being honored in history with the likes of Cigar. Not even close. I was sad when he passed Cigar's North American earnings record. Now that he's won 2 HOTY titles in a row, I'm just downright depressed.

If he had won the BC Classic, maybe ... just maybe ... I would understand. But he failed. Miserably. Can't run on synthetics. Can't run on turf. Can't beat the fillies. I hate to quote Rick Dutrow Jr. because, well, like most people I can't stand the guy - as much as I love the horses he trains - but honestly ... "I don't know what's so great about Curlin!"

Sure he won the World Cup and the Gold Cup, yes he was always impressive. But he didn't run against anyone SUPER talented this year. Ultimately he ran against a bunch of "nobodys!" How does that qualify him to be the overwhelming choice for Horse of the Year? Other than his trip to Dubai, he didn't do anything that impressive IMHO!

Then you have Zenyatta who is PERFECT. Nine for nine. NEVER lost a race in her LIFE! Winning the Ladies' Classic in '08 in unbelievable fashion. Dessimating the field, wiping her hooves on any filly or mare she comes across. Never faltering. Poetry in motion. Nothing can keep that girl down. At the very least, I would have liked to have seen her get more votes than she did. Sigh.

Ah well. It was ineveitable, but I just don't understand the injustice of it all. Then to see Asmussen take the Eclipse Award for trainer as well just put an even more bitter taste in my mouth. Guh. Just ... guh. Hope I never get stuck working for THAT guy. Sure, he's better than Dutrow - who isn't - but I'm just not a fan.

At least Zenyatta took home Older Female, Big Brown took Three-Year-Old Male (like there was any doubt) and others like Proud Spell, Indian Blessing and Garrett Gomez got the recognition they all deserved. I just really wish Curlin didn't get so much hype. He is so overrated it's laughable. Too bad Big Brown had to retire two weeks before the Classic because it is so obvious he would have made Curlin eat his DUST. Then there would have been no competition to speak of. Sadly it was not meant to be.

For me, Big Brown will always be Horse of the Year and Zenyatta ... well ... she's in a class all her own! Can't wait to see her return this year, I just hope they made the right choice and that she runs safely. How awesome would it be to see her run against the boys? I think she would be spectacular and I cannot wait to see what she does next. Haven't been this excited about a mare or filly since Rags to Riches took the Belmont ... and oh yeah, who did she beat in that race? The invincible Curlin!?!? Hmmmmm. LOL! Since Rags had to retire early it would be a real treat to see Zenyatta go on to make an even BIGGER name for herself! Wouldn't want to see another George Washington tragedy unfold. :(

Congrats to all the winners, I just would have preferred it that Curlin only take home one trophy tonight instead of two. Oh well. He's done, retired, off to the breeding shed ... so guess they figured they'd let him go out with a bang. Even though they seem to forget his final race was a pretty pitiful loss. Like I said, "what's so great about Curlin?"

Get me Zenyatta back on the track and I'll be happy!

Someone get me up to Three Chimneys quick because I think I need to go visit Brownie to lift my spirits!! Still haven't gotten the chance to see him since he's been there and I'm DYING to. Have to remind myself what a fabulous year it was for racing in '08, and how close we truly came to a Triple Crown!

I say this every year and every year I have a little more hope in my heart ... but ... maybe this year will be THE year ...

Eclipse Awards

Waiting for the Eclipse Award winners to be announced.

So far Midshipman and Stardom Bound have taken home the 2YO honors.

Really holding my breath for Zenyatta to clench HOTY from Curlin, but I know she's a long shot for that title. She certainly deserves it more than he does though!