Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nicanor's debut

Nicanor is going to make his racing debut on Saturday!

Hard to believe the time has come for Barbaro's little brother to hit the track.

Even harder to believe it's been exactly TWO years since Barbaro lost his battle with laminitis? Wow. Where has the time gone? Guess it's almost fitting that they announced Nicanor's debut on the anniversary of his big brother's death.

So many hopes pinned on this little guy. In a perfect world he'd live up to his brother's legacy. I have no doubt he'll be a fascinating horse to watch, but the skeptic in me really fears that expectations are too great. He's got some winning connections and he certainly has millions of fans cheering him on. Heck, he's been a star since he was a yearling; nevermind the fact that he hasn't even seen a real starting gate yet.

All fear and doubt aside, I'll be rooting for him just like everyone else! I cannot wait to see what he does on Saturday and beyond! Run safe, little Nic!

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