Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Who do *I* like today?

This is unusual.

I honestly cannot make my Derby pick. So many of the best horses are out. All of my favorites. All of the horses I WOULD have had at the very top of my list. Okay, maybe not ALL ... but most of them - for certain.

Old Fashioned, retired. The Pamplemousse, out for 6 months to a year. Stardom Bound, out. Square Eddie, was back in - now he's out again. Even Quality Road's quarter crack issues forced him to pull out. So WHO is going to win the Derby in just a few days? I have no freaking clue!

Dunkirk (left)is my "gut feeling" horse at this very moment in time. He's my Barbaro. My Street Sense. My Big Brown. Unless something changes before Saturday morning, I think my gut wants me to stick with him. I want Pletcher to win his first Derby, too. It's time for him to get his roses.

BUT ...

I Want Revenge (below) is just too damn impressive. Don't get me wrong, so are all the other horses. But Revenge just has that ability to get it done no matter WHAT. He's already shown he can overcome adversity, and that is a HUGE plus in the Kentucky Derby. Something most three-year-olds never even have a chance to prove before they enter that starting gate on the first Saturday in May. Well, he already has shown us that talent and more. Plus, Joe Talamo might be young but that kid is ON FIRE. His pledge to donate $25,000 to a Children's Hospital in New Orleans if he wins is just the icing on the cake.

Fresian Fire, Chocolate Candy, Hold Me Back, Pioneerof the Nile ... they all have my attention as well. So in the end, I just don't know. We'll see.

What I do know is that I am probably more excited for Zenyatta's return on FRIDAY right now than anything else! So that is good. That's almost a sure bet right there! ;)

I'll be glad when Saturday night comes along and I can start rooting for my Triple Crown horse ... instead of the Derby horse. That's always a little easier!

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