Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bound for Revenge?

Today was all about TWO horses and two horses only.

I Want Revenge. And. Stardom Bound!

I Want Revenge (right) was absolutely DOMINATING in the Gotham. Not much to say, really. He was brilliant, and he simply pounded the rest of the field into the dirt!

Stardom Bound continues to blow my mind. She was caught a ridiculous SEVEN-wide (you could almost say eight-wide considering the gap) on the final turn - as always coming from last place with her stunning closing-style - but she triumphed in the end and REALLY had to fight for it this time!

There was no telling who had it, FOUR horses hit the wire all at once but she managed to squeak by. Barely!

Don't know what it says for her chances to come back on April 4th in the Santa Anita Derby ... but I really do hope she comes out of this well so they will consider it. I think she still has what it takes - the only real concern is whether or not this took too much out of her. We'll see. Either way, she is a champion in every sense of the word!

Just check out the SLOW replay - just amazing!

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